
When you have a toothache, it can be hard to think about the root canal treatment that may soon be needed. But there is good news: this common procedure is less painful than many people think and takes about two hours for most adults. You can also take comfort in knowing that a root canal—or endodontic therapy—is necessary to save your natural teeth from further damage or even loss of function due to infection. A root canal (also called an endodontic therapy) is an excellent option for saving your tooth from decay and infection by removing infected pulp tissue (nerve, blood vessels, and connective tissue) inside the tooth’s interior chamber known as the root canal system. It allows for long-term preservation of healthy teeth because after undergoing root canal treatment they will usually not require any further treatment except routine checkups during which time they can be monitored for any changes that might indicate future problems with their health such as cracks developing along the gum line or along the base surface where it meets its socket within your jawbone.”


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Why May I Need Root Canal Treatment?

If you have a tooth that’s been damaged by decay, it may be necessary to remove the pulp (the soft tissue inside your tooth).

A root canal procedure can save an infected or badly damaged tooth by removing infected pulp and cleaning out the inside of your tooth.

The remaining empty space is then filled with a material that will help keep bacteria from entering again.


Is it Painful?

For some patients who have had previous fillings done in their teeth (especially older ones), there is often enough room left inside them for bacteria to grow without being detected by us as dentists until it’s too late (i.e., when an infection has already developed). In these cases we’ll need an X-ray scan so we can see exactly what needs treating before starting work on removing any decay around your root canal system; this way there won’t be any surprises later on down the line when something goes wrong unexpectedly after treatment has been completed successfully!

Yes, a root canal can be painful. But usually it’s mild pain and not necessarily severe. The reason for this is that during a root canal procedure, pressure is applied to the nerve inside your tooth. This pressure causes inflammation of the surrounding tissue and leads to pain in your mouth or jaw area when chewing or biting down on hard foods like apples or carrots–even if you’re not experiencing any other symptoms from your toothache!


How Long Will it Take?

Root canal treatment can take several visits, depending on the type of problem and how many teeth are involved. It’s usually done in stages over a period of days or weeks. The length of each stage depends on how many teeth need to be treated, how complicated it is to perform root canal therapy on them and whether any other dental procedures need to be done at the same time.

The length of each visit will vary too – some people can have their entire treatment completed in one visit while others may need two or three visits before all their teeth have been treated successfully.


What You Get With Root Canal

If you’re a little worried about having a root canal, don’t be. You can still eat and smile with confidence after getting one.

Save your tooth: Root canal treatment can save your tooth from being extracted or dying in the future.
No more pain: Root canal treatment will relieve any pain caused by infection inside the tooth root, which may have been causing you discomfort for some time now.
Keep your natural look: Because root canals preserve as much of the original structure of your teeth as possible, they often allow patients to keep their own appearance when replacing missing teeth with dental crowns or bridges instead of implants (which are artificial replacements). This means that if you’re not keen on having something foreign put into place inside your mouth (such as an implant), there are other options available!


How Root Canal Works?

The first step of a root canal treatment is to remove the nerve from inside your tooth. The dentist will drill into your tooth and remove any infected or damaged tissue, then fill it with an inert material (to prevent further decay). To seal off the opening, he or she will place a permanent filling over it. This can be done with composite resin (or “white fillings”), gold alloys or porcelain veneers that bond directly onto your natural teeth

Your dentist can help you understand the root canal process.


If you’re considering a root canal, your dentist can help you understand the process and answer any questions.

Root canal treatment (also called endodontic treatment) is a safe and effective procedure that can save your natural teeth when they have become infected or damaged beyond repair. It involves removing all of the infected tissue within an affected tooth, cleaning out any leftover bacteria, then filling it with an inert material called gutta-percha to protect against future infection–all while preserving as much healthy tooth structure as possible.

This may sound scary at first, but rest assured: dentists are highly trained in performing these types of procedures every day! They’ve also got access to some pretty incredible technology–like CEREC CAD CAM machines that let them make custom crowns right in their office–so if you do need one done (or even two), don’t worry about having to go somewhere else for help…just call us up instead!



If you are suffering from tooth pain and have been told that you need a root canal, don’t panic! There is no reason to be afraid of this procedure. It can be done quickly, painlessly and with minimal disruption to your life. The most important thing is to find a dentist who understands your needs and works with them in mind.

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