
If you have been thinking about getting a face lift, non-surgical face and neck lifting with threads may be the right solution for you. The procedure is minimally invasive and can be done in your doctor’s office or outpatient clinic. The results are natural looking and long lasting.


What You Get With Non- Surgical Face And Neck Lifting With Threads?

HIFU facelift treatment is a new type of cosmetic surgery that helps to lift your facial skin. It’s a non- invasive and painless procedure, which can be performed in the comfort of your own home.


How Non- surgical face and neck lifting with threads Treatment Works?

The non- surgical face and neck lifting with threads treatment works by tightening the skin, which in turn helps to reduce wrinkles. HIFU can also be used for other treatments such as cellulite reduction or fat loss.

HIFU causes damage to some cells in the dermis which produce collagen, which is then absorbed by your body to repair itself after treatment has finished. This process can cause redness, swelling and bruising around the area treated by HIFU but these are normal side effects of any type of cosmetic procedure so it’s important not to worry too much about them if this happens during your session!


Key Features

The key features of the non-surgical face and neck lipping with threads are:

  • HIFU Facelift + CO2 Laser + PRP
  • HIFU Facelift + LaseMD + PRP
  • HIFU + PRP + Mesotherapy (or any other combination)


HIFU Facelift treatment is a new type of cosmetic surgery that helps to lift your facial skin.

HIFU Facelift treatment is an alternative to traditional facelift surgery. It uses high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) technique which can be used in conjunction with radiofrequency or laser energy, or as a stand-alone procedure. The process involves placing tiny needles on the face and injecting them into the skin’s outer layer, causing micro-injuries that stimulate collagen production in the dermis, resulting in smoother, firmer and younger looking skin.



The HIFU Facelift treatment is a new type of cosmetic surgery that helps to lift your facial skin. The most important thing is to understand that this procedure does not require any major medical operations or hospital stay so it can be performed in the comfort of your own home.

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