
Chemical and non chemical peels are both types of skin treatments. They work by removing the outer layer of the skin, which can reveal signs of aging and improve appearance. The difference between them is the type of chemical used in each one. Chemical peels use acids to cut away layers from the top layer down, while non-chemical peels use lactic or hyaluronic acid to do this instead.



Glycolic peels are a type of chemical peel that works by removing the outer layer of your skin. This process can be done at home, and it’s very easy to do.

What You Get With Glycolic Peels: Your skin will be smoother and brighter after using this treatment. It also makes your complexion appear more youthful, younger-looking and healthier overall! The benefits include:

  • Improved tone
  • Increased elasticity
  • Reduced fine lines & wrinkles



NEOSTRATA PROSYSTEM PEELS are a series of peels that are used to improve the skin’s appearance. The NEOSTRATA PROSYSTEM PEELS are available in 6 different strengths, ranging from mild to strong:

  • Mild – contains no caffeine; good for those with sensitive skin or rosacea conditions (such as redness and flushing).
  • Moderate – contains 2% caffeine; good for most people with normal skin who want an anti-aging boost.
  • Strong – contains 5% caffeine; effective for those with oily or combination skin types who want an even stronger anti-aging effect than when using mild strength products only on their face area alone. This will produce better results on all parts of your body as well!



A retinol peel is a type of chemical peel that uses a substance called retinol to exfoliate the skin. Retinols are derived from vitamin A, which has been shown to help improve the appearance and texture of the skin. They may also reduce fine lines and wrinkles, lighten dark spots and hyperpigmentation (the appearance of discoloration), improve acne-prone skin, and even fade freckles if done correctly.

The benefits of this treatment include:

  • It can reduce dryness around your eyes or mouth area by improving hydration in those areas; this helps you look younger because it allows your makeup to last longer on top!
  • It can treat breakouts caused by hormonal changes like PMS or menopause…or just hormonal problems in general!


What You Get With Chemical And Non Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are used to improve the appearance of skin. Non-chemical peels are used to improve the appearance of skin. Both chemical and non-chemical peels can be used for the same skin conditions, such as acne or wrinkles.

They both work by removing dead cells from your outer layer of cells, called epidermis, which makes it look young again!


How Chemical and non chemical peels Treatment Works?

How Chemical and non chemical peels Treatment Works? Chemical and non chemical peels treat skin issues in a similar way. The main difference between them is that chemical peels use chemicals to remove outer layers of the skin, whereas non chemical peel treatment does not involve any chemicals at all.

In general, both types of treatments work by stimulating collagen production on your face and body, which results in smoother looking skin with fewer wrinkles and fine lines. However, although they are both effective at achieving this objective they do so in different ways: whereas a chemical peel involves applying an exfoliating agent such as glycolic acid or salicylic acid onto your face for about one hour before rinsing off with warm water; non-chemical treatments usually only require you to wash your face with cold water after cleansing it thoroughly before applying moisturizer over them (this also helps keep down irritation).



There are many types of skin peels, but they all do the same thing: remove dead cells from your skin. Chemical and non chemical peels can help you look younger, more refreshed and radiant by reducing fine lines and wrinkles on your face.

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